
Parenting Time 

With the modern family comes modern visitation schedules.  There is no one size fits all model any longer.  Blended families, parents working from home, traveling parents or parties who live far apart are more common now than they ever have been.  With all the demands today, it is important that you choose a lawyer who understands what schedule will work for your circumstances.

The Carder Law Firm has specialized training in mediating parenting disputes and will aid you and your family in developing a schedule that provides your child with stability and consistency, yet is flexible enough to meet the changes in life that will inevitably happen.  We will work through the daily and weekend schedules and once those are set, we will help you determine the best holiday and break schedule for your child.  In those unfortunate circumstances that supervised or restricted visitation are necessary, we will fight for you to ensure that the Court orders the necessary protection for your family.